Saturday, May 17, 2014

Morning moon

Took these shots yesterday and today, I love getting out on the course early and capturing early morning pictures.

Cart path edging

We have started to edge cart paths. There are 5 miles of cart paths, this will take us a long time to complete, but hopefully we should have them completed over the next two months.

A chilly start

A cold front came in yesterday bringing much needed rain and cooler weather. We had 3" of rain on Thursday with 34* and frost this morning. I think we got our blackberry winter this morning. 

Friday, May 9, 2014


With the lack of rain we have had this spring, we are relying on the irrigation system to get us through this dry spell. The combination of wind this week with the low humidity we are seeing some fast and firm conditions. There are a few hot spots on tees that hopefully will bounce back after this weekend rain and next weeks cooler weather. The lightning strike 2 weeks ago left us with some damage components that didn't allow some of the irrigation heads to work. Everything is up and running now. Below are some pics of us changing solenoids and checking the ohms.

11 green

We have a shade issue behind the 11th green. We decided to trim these trees up to see if this helps dry up the back of the green. We will monitor this area this summer, we may have to take these pines down this winter. John has been busy with all the tree work. It's nice to have someone in house to do this work, it really saves the club money.

Spring flowers

Lots of color out on the course this time of year. The rhododendron is blooming as well as some pink lady slippers. These are on the first hole, please do not pick them so we can let others enjoy.