Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Greens aerification

We have completed the greens aerification earlier this month. We used a 5/8 tine on a 2x2 hole spacing, followed by a heavy topdressing. For the most part the greens look good and the sand has drug in nicely. We first topdress the green. By doing this first we eliminate rutting of the turf from the spreader. Next the toro 648 core aerator comes along and pulls the plug, collects them behind the machine and dumps the plugs at the end of the pass. The plugs are scooped up and the sand is dragged in using brushes and blowers. A fertilizer was applied to help with recovery. Now that the cold weather has set in, there will be very little growth over the winter. My plan is to use a graden sand verticutter in April to further remove thatch from the putting surface.

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